Feedback studenti tedeschi scambio con Ovada, fase hosting, fine febbraio 2014


IV Liceo Linguistico e Liceo delle Scienze Umane Istituto Santa Caterina Madri Pie Ovada Italia – Gesamtschule Giessen-Ost, Giessen Germania

Lo scambio di classe mi piace molto. I found new friends, I saw beautiful cities and learned a lot about Italian food, art and the school system.

L´Italia è un bel paese e gli italiani sono molto gentili. Ovada mi piace molto: è una piccola ma bella città, mi piace molto e si mangia bene qui. Tutte le persone che fanno lo scambio sono fantastiche. Das war die beste Erfahrung, die ich je gemacht habe. Grazie mille.

It was a very, very good experience because you learn to speak Italian with other people. It was very interesting to see another culture and how people live in other countries. Some things were strange, but in general it was okay.

Diese Woche war eine unbeschreiblich tolle Erfahrung. Ich habe 12 der tollsten Menschen dieser Welt kennen und lieben gelernt.  Es gab nicht einen Moment, in dem es mir an Liebe und Freundschaft fehlte. Meine Partnerin ist für mich zu einer Schwester geworden und ihre Familie ein Teil der meinen. Ich bedanke mich von ganzem Herzen für alles. (Juliana)

The exchange was a really nice experience. The Italian people are very friendly and helpful. We visited very nice places. All in all, the week was nice.

Italia is a beautiful country with a lot of old buildings. But it is different than Germany. The program was very good even though we could not go to Aqui Terme.

It was very good the exchange with the school in Ovada. The people there are very friendly and lovely. The city of Ovada is old but I find that the houses in Ovada are beautiful. The school is different than in Germany but it is okay. Classes are smaller and prettier.

The exchange was a very, very good experience. My family was so friendly and lovely.  Campo Ligure is a beautiful village. When we went to Torino, I was excited.  The school in Ovada is beautiful and the teachers and the students were very friendly.  Our trip to Genova was the highlight of the week. All in all, it was a nice experience to take part in the exchange.

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